About Us

To develop effective leaders in government and non-government organizations and to stimulate knowledge production and management.

BSKE 2023 Campaign Walk and Information Drive

In a concerted effort to boost youth participation in governance, the Public Administration Students' Society, in partnership with CPAd Perspective Publication, had conducted the BSKE 2023 Campaign Walk and Information Drive with the theme, “Kamalayan para sa Responsableng Pagboto”. Distribution of pamphlets, posting and hanging of "No To Vote Buying and Vote Selling" posters to every college, followed by the pledge of commitment and signing of the said pledge. As the BSKE approaches, CPAd stands united with the university in their commitment to nurture an engaged and responsible citizenry who will contribute to a peaceful, honest and fair elections.

National Indigenous Peoples

In a concerted effort to boost youth participation in governance, the Public Administration Students' Society, in partnership with CPAd Perspective Publication, had conducted the BSKE 2023 Campaign Walk and Information Drive with the theme, “Kamalayan para sa Responsableng Pagboto”. Distribution of pamphlets, posting and hanging of "No To Vote Buying and Vote Selling" posters to every college, followed by the pledge of commitment and signing of the said pledge. As the BSKE approaches, CPAd stands united with the university in their commitment to nurture an engaged and responsible citizenry who will contribute to a peaceful, honest and fair elections.

News and Announcements

UNP-CPAd inks MOA with LGU-Santo Domingo

In a significant move to foster collaboration and advance community development, the University of Northern Philippines – College of Public Administration formally signed a Memorandum


Our college has a diverse and accomplished faculty. With our expert faculty, students can be assured of receiving quality education that prepares them to succeed in real-world endeavors.

Our Students

The College of Engineering (CoE) has the mandated and accredited student organizations. The mandated student organization of the college is the Organization of The Engineering Department Students’ Association (EDSA). The accredited organization are the Junior Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers – UNP Chapter (JPICE-UNPC), Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineering – University of Northern Philippines Student Chapter (PSSE-UNPSC), Agrimensores Club, and Edifice Student is a thriving student publication in the College of Engineering.

Our Graduates

“The UNP College of Engineering has been one of the foundations of where I am right now as a practicing Civil Engineer. Our professors in particular will always be the heart and soul of the College of Engineering. The College of Engineering will always have a special place in my heart. It has nurtured me academically, socially, spiritually and culturally.”

Engr. John Rei G. Pasion

Engineer II, Department of Public Works and Highways (NCR)

“Achieving a Civil Engineering degree at the University of Northern Philippines has made me competent in various job roles and helped me to grow not only in my professional career but also in my overall personal development. It was really a challenging and unforgettable experience, for I was really having fun during my college days. Those sleepless nights just to finish our given assignments and lots of plates on time was a really good preparation on how to handle pressure.”

Franco O. Que, CPA (MBA ’13)

City Government Department Head I (Internal Auditor)


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