About Us
- Provide students with knowledge and practical and leadership skills in public policy and management;
- Equip students with advanced research skills; and
- Instill the values of participation, accountability, responsiveness, transparency, and integrity.

To develop effective leaders in government and non-government organizations and to stimulate knowledge production and management.
The College of Public Administration responds to the need for competent and responsible public personnel and officials through the delivery of instruction along public administration (PA).
- The offering of Master of Public Administration (MPA) major in Governmental Administration was approved through UNP Board of Regents Resolution No. 1060, s. 1975. Instruction was delivered through a consortium between the University of the Philippines College of Public Administration and the UNP Graduate School.
- The offering of MPA major in Local Government Administration was approved through UNP BOR Resolution No. 1320, s. 1977.
- The Doctor of Public Administration (DPA) was next offered through UNP BOR Resolution No. 12, s. 1992 issued on February 24, 1992.
- UNP BOR Resolution No. 61, s. 1993 authorized the offering of MPA major in Police Administration.
- The offering of DPA through the blended system for international students was approved through UNP BOR Resolution No. 19, s. 2012 which was adopted on March 9, 2012.
- In line with vertical articulation, the College of Public Administration was created through UNP BOR Resolution No. 18, s. 2014 issued on February 21, 2014. The creation of the College was confirmed by UNP BOR Resolution No. 39-B, s. 2014 issued on May 9, 2014 which also approved the offering of Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA) effective First Semester, SY 2014-2015.
UNP issued on May 23, 2014 a Special Order No. GRA 22, s. 2014 effective June 9, 2014 to Dr. Pio Ferdinand J. Lamarca, MPA graduate of UNP and DPA alumnus of UP, who was designated as Officer-in-Charge of the College of Public Administration, concurrently serving as Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The UNP Board of Regents issued Resolution No. 80, s. 2014 allowing the creation of the UNP Local Government Development Center for research and extension activities of the College. The resolution was adopted on September 26, 2014.
- Dr. Marie Rose Q. Rabang was designated Dean of the College on June 15, 2015.
- The Doctor of Public Administration and the Master of Public Administration programs were awarded Level IV Re-accredited status by the Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP) for the period April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2020.
UNP was awarded by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as delivering higher education institution (DHEI) for the DPA program in Region I during the K-12 transition period (2016-2018)
Social Watch Philippines (SWP) designated UNP as the regional hub of the People’s Public Finance Institute (PPFI) for the advocacy of citizens’ participation in public finance. This hub is operated by the College of Public Administration.
Along students’ leadership development, the Public Administration Students Society (PASS), the mandated organization, was accredited by the Office of Students Affairs. Further, graduates of MPA and DPA have organized themselves into the CPA Alumni Association to be a partner in the development of the College and the PA field.
- The CHED Regional Office No. 1 granted a Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) to UNP for the operation of the Bachelor of Public Administration effective SY 2016-2017. CHEDRO I approved the enhanced curricula for the MPA and DPA programs effective SY 2017-2018.
- The Governance and Policy Research Center (GPRC) was established through Board Resolution No. 092, s. 2019.
- Dr. Joselito D. De La Rosa was designated as the Dean of the College.
The College has set its sight on the UNP’s vision of being “a globally recognized University in a Heritage City by 2030.” It shares in realizing the vision by performing UNP’s mission of “producing globally skilled and morally upright professionals instilled with rich cultural values.” The program objectives include the articulation, practice, and advocacy of good governance principles not only on campus but also in the service community and in the graduates’ workplace.
Our Extension Services
The College of Engineering offers three (3) engineering programs namely: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Sanitary Engineering, and Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering.
Its extension services are anchored on the Vision and Mission of the University as well as the goals of the College and the objectives of each program. These are also aligned with the University’s Extension Agenda.
The following are the extension services of the College:
Consultancy on engineering works
Design of structures
Information drive on proper waste management
Technology transfer based on the result of research
Training related to engineering professions/works
Outreach program
The services extended to the community or target clientele are based on needs assessment as well as through request. To assure the sustainability of the extension services, Memoranda of Agreement are forged between the university and the target clientele. Participation of faculty, students, administration and the target clientele is observed in all the aspects of extension activities.
At present, the College has an active partnership with Barangay Pagsanaan, Magsingal, Ilocos Sur. A feasibility study on the construction of water refilling station is being conducted. It is expected that once the different aspects of a project feasibility study are completed, the implementation of the construction will be the next extension service to be rendered in the said barangay. Furthermore, training on the operation and maintenance of the project is also one of the programs for the said barangay.
University of Northern Philippines
3rd Floor- Admin Building, Tamag, Vigan, Ilocos Sur - (077) 644-2261
- op@unp.edu.ph
Registrar's Office
- registrar@unp.edu.ph
- UNP Registrar's Office
Admission Services
- admissionservices@unp.edu.ph
- UNP Admission Services
Public Information Office
- pioffice@unp.edu.ph
- University of Northern Philippines
Guidance and Counseling Services
- guidance@unp.edu.ph
- University of Northern Philippines