CSW holds online seminar on social work research and statistics
NEWS CSW holds online seminar on social work research and statistics Emphasizing the importance of research and statistics on the field of social work, the
On July 30, 2001, President Tacbas submitted the proposal to the UNP BOR for deliberation. Two recommendations were made. The first was the need for an assessment of the readiness of the proposed program by the Technical Panel for Legal Education (TPLE). The second was the need to secure the financial commitment of the Provincial Government to support the program.
On September 23, 2001, the TPLE came to assess the proposed program. On February 1 2002, the TPLE gave its favorable endorsement of the proposed program to the UNP BOR. At almost the same time, the Governor of locos Sur magnanimously granted the request of President Tacbas for financial assistance in the amount of 1 million annually. On May 2002, Retired Justice Amante O. Alconcel donated his law books, including his Supreme Court Report Annotated (SCRA) to serve as fountain of wisdom to the future lawyers of the province. With the two requirements adequately secured, President Tacbas requested the Board to finally approve the proposal to establish the College of Law.
On March 5, 2002, through Board Resolution No. 13 s. 2002, the UNP BOR approved the establishment of the College of Law. In the second week of May of the same year, President Tacbas constituted the Admission Committee. The Committee recommended to the University President that the Center for Educational Measurement be tapped in the conduct of the admission test.
NEWS CSW holds online seminar on social work research and statistics Emphasizing the importance of research and statistics on the field of social work, the
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Our esteemed institution takes great pride in its remarkable legal programs, notably its law faculty composed of widely experienced legal academics and experts committed to the growth and triumph of our remarkable students. These distinguished educators focus on providing comprehensive legal knowledge and critical thinking abilities which are crucial for succeeding in a rapidly evolving and complex contemporary legal system.
Our law faculty members have an unwavering passion for assisting students in achieving their objectives by imparting their expertise and knowledge and providing practical training that lays a strong foundation for a successful career. With such outstanding support from a team of expert faculty, our students are well-equipped with the necessary tools and resources to be competent and dynamic legal professionals. Our institution has earned a reputation for providing excellence in legal education, and with our expert faculty, we are confident that we’ll continue to maintain and grow our legacy of exceptional quality legal education.
Lorem ipsum
John Doe, JD
Juana Doe, JD