1996. In UNP, the distance learning concept started with the approval of the establishment of the UNP – Graduate School, Institute of Distance Learning by virtue of the Board Resolution No. 84 S. 1996, with Dr. Salvador S. Eder as the Director, and initially offers the following degree programs: Master of Arts in Education (MA Ed.) major in Science Education, Master of Arts in Education (MA Ed.) major in Mathematics Education, Master in Public Administration, Master of Arts in Nursing major in Maternal and Child Nursing, and Master of Arts in Social Work. This took effect during the Second Semester, School Year 1996 – 1997
1999. The Bachelor of Science in Criminology was administered as one of the programs offered by virtue of Board Resolution No. 121, S. 1999.
1999. Dr. Susan S. Refuerzo was appointed Director of the unit.
2001. Dr. Francisco C. Macanas became the Director.
2002. Dr. Lumen H. Almachar succeeded Dr. Francisco C. Macanas.
2005. Prof. Crescencio B. Velasco became successor of Dr. Lumen H. Almachar and was reappointed in 2015, 2018, and 2020.

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- University of Northern Philippines
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- University of Northern Philippines