1. Crops R&D
a. Germplasm evaluation, conservation, utilization and management
2. Varietal improvement and selection
3. Production of good quality seeds and planting materials
a. Development/ optimization of seed production protocols
b. Establishment of sustainable seed system
4. Cultural Management Practices
a. Soil health, nutrient and water management
b. Development of biofertilizers and soil fertility enhancers
c. Development of eco-friendly pest and disease management and control strategies
d. Organic Agriculture
5. Crop production systems research
a. Smart farming approaches
b. Off-season production and cultivation
c. Development of climate-resilient technologies
d. Urban farming
e. Intercropping and integrated farming systems
6. Postharvest, processing and product development
7. Decision Support systems
Priority Commodities Agriculture (Crops)
- Abaca and other fiber crops
- Coconut
- Rice
- Corn and Other Grains
- Fruit Crops (Mango, banana & Other tropical fruits such as durian, jackfruit, pomelo, papaya, pineapple, citrus)
- Legumes (e.g. mungbean, peanut and soybean)
- Natural Sources of Dye
- Pili and cashew
- Ornamentals (cauliflower and foliage)
- Medicinal Plants
- Plantation Crops (Cacao, coffee, Oil Palm, Rubber, sugarcane)
- Rootcrops (e.g. sweet potato, cassava)
- Sericulture and Apiculture
- Vegetables (e.g. tomato, white potato, mushroom)
8. Aquatic R&D
a. New cultivable species for culture
b. Development/ Refinement of culture systems (broodstock management, hatchery, nursery, grow-out)
c. Fish health, disease diagnostics and disease management
d. Nutrition, feeds and feeding systems
e. Postharvest handling, processing and new product development
f. Mechanization and automated systems for feeding, water and culture management and post production
g. Fishkill warning and mitigation systems and environmental management for sustainable aquaculture
h. Management of fisheries
i. Roll out/ Commercialization of aquatic technologies
Priority Commodities
- Crabs (a. mangrove crab, b. Blue swimming crab)
- Shellfish (a. Abalone, b. Mussel, c. Oyster)
- Finfishes (a. Milkfish, b. Tilapia, c. endemic species, d. sardines, e. Tuna, f. Shrimp, g. Seaweeds, h. sea cucumber, i. Cephalopods (Cuttlefish, Octopus, Squid)
- Aquafeeds
9. Forestry R&D
a. Development and sustainable management practices
b. Development of high yielding varieties (HYVs) of priority timber species with superior traits
c. Development of sustainable harvesting and postharvest techniques/technologies and marketing strategies for timber and non-timber forest species/products
d. Innovative product development
e. Physiological and ecological studies
10. Natural Resources and Environment R&D
a. Sustainable utilization, conservation and management of biodiversity in terrestrial, forestry and marine ecosystems
b. Sustainable watershed management and utilization
c. Management and rehabilitation of problem, degraded and polluted agricultural soils through remediation
d. Development of high value products from agricultural and forest wastes
e. Strategies/decision management tools for climate change resilient environment
f. Resource and ecosystems assessment and monitoring
g. Habitat management for fishery and ecosystem sustainability
h. Marine environmental management (to include Harmful Algal Blooms, coastal integrity/erosion, fish kills and eutrophication)
i. Ecotourism Management
j. Innovative management systems for unique landscapes and ecosystems
k. Reef assessment, monitoring and conservation
l. Control and management of risks and hazards in water ecosystems
m. Water Security
> watershed studies
> water quality, accessibility and availability
n. Assessment of natural resource carrying capacity/ ecological limits
o. Natural capital accounting
Priority Commodities (Natural resources & Environment)
- Timber (Tree Plantations (e.g. yemane, falcata)
- Non- timber
a. Bamboo
b. Rattan
c. sago
d. Tiger grass
e. Vines and non- timber
f. Biodiversity
– Ecosystem (e.g. mangrove, marine freshwater)
– Microbial
– Flora and Fauna
– Ecotourism
g. Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
11. Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction
a. Mitigation and adaptation studies of vulnerable communities and ecosystems (including protected agriculture, vertical agriculture)
b. Development of smart farming approaches (including organic agriculture, integrated farming, ICT application) and other climate-resilient agricultural production technologies
c. Development of strategies/decision management tools for climate change resilient environment (e.g. farm diversification)
d. Enhancing sustainable development through lifescape-landscape approach
12. Technology Transfer
a. Development of innovative and improvement of traditional extension modalities for the efficient transfer of technologies to end-users
b. Upscaling of agricultural technology transfer and commercialization
c. Leveraging technologies for building resilience and supporting economic recovery
13. Socio-Economics, Policy Research and Governance
a. Continuing review of existing policies affecting the AANR sectors
b. Policy research and advocacy on natural resources/environment-related issues, agricultural trade, supply chain/value chain related issues, standards and regulations, compliance to standards across the value chain and R&D governance, and other cross- cutting policy
c. Impact assessment of technologies, AANR programs and projects
d. Socio-economic studies on production and marketing efficiencies, role of social institutions in technology adoption, labor migration, development of social enterprise models, gender and development
e. Agriculture and resource economic studies including market research, agrarian/asset reform, environmental valuation, economies of scale/collective farming
f. Policy studies on global competitiveness of Philippines AANR sector
g. Integrating gender and development (GAD) in AANR programs and projects
h. Software technologies towards better foresight and strategic insights
i. Applied rural sociology studies covering but not limited to characterization and understanding rural communities; demographic and intergenerational changes of AANR stakeholders (e.g. farmers, fishers, Ips); social practices and behavior and their implications to technology adoption; role social institutions and institutional arrangements
j. Supply value/ value chain development of selected AANR industries and other agribusiness related activities
k. Impact assessment of mature technologies, AANR programs and projects
l. Human Capital Systems ( Human Development, Science Communication and Knowledge Management)
m. Efficient and impactful AANR human development programs
n. Public engagement and communicating AANR R&D to build vibrant communities in science- oriented nation
o. Systems approach to knowledge management and cross R&D collaborations