About Us
Historically, the CBAA went through significant developments to keep abreast with academic imperatives and advancements. In 1971, the College of Business Administration (CBA) was created. Eventually, by virtue of Board Resolution No. 37, Series of 1990, it was renamed as College of Business Administration and Accountancy (CBAA) to embrace the gamut of its curricular offerings.
In order to address academic concerns and challenges affecting the quality of business education, curriculum planning and development have been continuously conducted in conjunction with other educational processes and guidelines. This resulted to the offering of the following programs: BS in Business Administration (BSBA) major in Accounting/Bankig and Finance/Management (1971); BS in Accountancy (1990); BS in Business Administration (BSBA) major in Management Accounting (1994, but phased-out in 2017); Master in Business Administration (1995); Associate in Office Management (1996); Doctor in Business Administration (2001, the only DBA program in Region I); and BS in Hotel and Restaurant Administration (2000, but was transferred to the College of Hotel and Tourism Management.
Some programs were also renamed, to wit: BS in Business Administration, major in Cooperative Management to BS in Cooperative Management (BSCM) in 2000; BS in Business Administration (BSBA) major in Entrepreneurship to BS in Entrepreneurship in 2007; BS in Business Administration (BSBA) major in Banking and Finance to BS in Business Administration (BSBA) major in Financial Management in 2007; and BS Business Administration (BSBA) major in Management to BS in Business Administration (BSBA) major in Human Resource Development Management.
Through the years, the CBAA has managed to effectively and efficiently implement its programs, projects, and activities amidst the challenges brought about by the global demands and the changing societal needs and conditions of the country. Development initiatives along the areas of instruction, research, extension, and production were undertaken vis-à-vis relevance and quality by ensuring that the graduates can competently practice their chosen careers. This arduous academic process enabled the CBAA to achieve the following:
The Accountancy Program of the University of Northern Philippines has earned a reputation as one of the Best Schools of Accountancy in the Philippines as evidenced by the following: •23rd Top Performing School out of 642 Accountancy Schools in the entire country (2014-2018 CPALE results); •UNP ranked sixth among the Top 10 High Performing Schools nationwide and ranked second Luzonwide in CPA Licensure Examination covering six examinations from May 2007-October 2009, according to a study conducted by Dr. Rufo R. Mendoza (member of the Board of Accountancy); •UNP Ranked No. 7 in the Category 100-999 examinees (accumulated number of candidates in the CPA Licensure Examinations within the five-year period covered), UNP is classified as HIGH performing school within that period based on the compilation of statistics of performance in various CPA Licensure Examinations of all schools in the Philippines from 1999-2003 published by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC); •Certificates of Recognition/Commendation were awarded by PRC to UNP for its exemplary performance in the CPA Licensure Examination, to wit: •UNP produced the following Topnotchers in the CPA Licensure Examination: Melody Jade Quilana (9th place in October 2008), Sherwin James Credo (8th place in May 2007), Madelyn Lerma Viernes (14th place in October 1999), and Emely Querubin (20th place in October 1997).
In addition, the College is one of the pioneering business schools in the Philippines which has integrated Business Analytics subjects in the BSBA curriculum per CMO 11, Series of 2013.
Innovative teaching/learner-centered strategies are utilized to enrich the knowledge, enhance the competencies, and reinforce the values of students such as: •Annual Business Week Celebration cutting across programs; •In-House Training Programs on Financial Management, Human Resources Development, Financial Accounting and Reporting, Entrepreneurial and Cooperative Development among others and the Annual Leadership Capability Building; •Management of Individual Bank Account, Mobilization of Savings and Loan Programs; •Public Information Campaign on Demonization of the Old Generations Currency and Coin Recirculation Program and Savings Mobilization (these programs have been monitored and evaluated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Region I which resulted to the conferring of the Award “Outstanding Regional Partner for Implementing BSP Advocacies on the Conduct of Public Information Campaigns” •Academic competitions (Business Ideas Development Award (BIDA) was given to BS Entrepreneurship student participants by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), First Place in Business Planning and Development Competition sponsored by the Provincial Government of Ilocos Sur and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in celebration of Kannawidan 2020.
The academic programs conduct extension services as an avenue for the faculty members and students to share their expertise along business management and to promote the socio-economic development of the partner communities through the “Adopt-A-Barangay” and “Coopreneurship” programs.
Further, strong linkages with development partners is highly evident in the following forms: •Special Training Program in Business Analytics for Business Administration Faculty Members in Region I with UNP as the host Delivering Higher Education Institution (DHEI) in partnership with CHED •Trainers’ Training Program in partnership with Cooperative Development Authority through the UNP Cooperative Development and Training Center (CDA-Accredited Training Provider) •Cooperative Care Program in partnership with Local Government of Vigan and Department of Agrarian Reform, Province of Ilocos Sur •Go Negosyo in partnership with Department of Trade and Industry
With regard to students’ development programs, the College provides co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in partnership with the Office of Student and External Affairs (OSEA) to enable the students to become effective and dynamic partners of development and engage in worthwhile projects as part of their learning towards responsible citizenship. Corollary to this, the College has mandated and accredited organizations that serve as role models on student leadership, good governance and social responsibility. These organizations proved to be formidable frontliners in student leadership being recipients of different awards in institutional, provincial, regional, national and international levels.
Through the years, the College has been a provider of competent manpower in local, regional, national and international levels. They have become accountants, auditors, consultants, administrators, estate examiners, managers, practitioners, academicians, financial analysts, entrepreneurs, politicians, administrative staff, among others.

The goal of the CSW is to produce world-class professionals in community service.
To train generalist social work practitioners by creating an environment that offers value-oriented learning emphasizing self-assessment, service to community, self-determination, social justice and respect for diversity.
To meet the demands of the government and the private sector for competent social workers to manage their social and civic oriented programs and services.
To develop proficiency in the use of social work tools, skills, strategies and techniques among future social workers.
To deploy field work students to agencies which can provide opportunities for them to critically analyze problems or issues and apply the knowledge in problem solving which they learned in the classroom.
To train students in documentation such as case recording, case management, and oral and written communication.
To prepare the future social-workers in advocacy work along the prevention and reporting of any kinds of abuses, safeguarding of human rights, promotion of social justice and respect for human worth and dignity.
Our Extension Services
The general extension program of the College of Business Administration and Accountancy (CBAA) stems and cascades from the University Extension Program.
Dubbed as “BUSINESS in the Communities,” it is a configuration of resources and positioning of the College as a potential partner in developing the communities. “Basic and Unperturbed Simulation, Integration, and Nurturing of Essential Support System (BUSINESS) in the Communities” captures the essential areas and key extension programs provided by the different programs of CBAA in emancipating the communities from poverty and empowering them in order to cushion the impact of poverty and clear the way for the families in the countryside in their efforts and sending their children to the school as they struggle to address their daily basic needs in their community.
“BUSINESS in the Communities” aims to a) provide livelihood trainings specially among the adopted barangays of the college; b) empower the communities by organizing them as business entities; c) equip and enhance the technical skills of the stakeholders (specially the parents) along the various aspects and fields of business; d) hone the leadership potentials of the stakeholders in order to create an orderly and peaceful communities driven by a desire for progress; e) provide logistical assistance to the beneficiaries; and f) source out resources through dynamic linkages for the effective and efficient implementation of the Extension Programs.
It is along these objectives, the programs under the BUSINESS in Communities are categorized into four:
Livelihood Training. This program aims to provide trainings on potential livelihood Undertakings which are meant to provide opportunities to the adopted communities to earn for their living. Among these trainings are embotido and skinless longganisa making, hair science, and cosmetology.
Community and Business Organizing. This program aims to concretize the trainings provided by organizing the communities and assist them in forming business. Among the activities under this program are cooperative formation and organization and micro business formation.
Technical Skills Enhancement. This program aims to provide trainings on the various skills and competencies developed in the different programs offered by the college. Among such trainings are training-workshop along management, entrepreneurship, cooperative management, financial management, accounting, and other allied fields of business; financial statement preparation; and financial statement analysis and consultancy services.
Leadership Capability Training. This program aims to develop the leadership potentials and equip the various stakeholders in the adopted communities with the fundamentals of leadership, and the qualities of being in the frontline. Among the activities under this program are leadership training, participatory leadership and development, and social responsibility training.
Logistical Support. The program aims to augment the logistical needs of the beneficiaries of extension projects by providing them the necessary equipment and materials that they need in the use of their acquired skills in the Extension Activities and Projects.
Extension Resource Generation. This program aims to establish linkages with various individuals and institutions for the effective and efficient implementation of extension activities. These resources include both the human and non-human. The human resources are meant to augment the expertise available in the college. Experts in various fields who are not part of the institutional pool of the College. The non-human resources are meant to assist the beneficiaries in carrying out and executing the skills that they learned from the extension activities. These non-human resources may include: baking tools and equipment, oven gas stove, kitchen facilities, etc.
The College of Business Administration and Accountancy through its CBAA Extension Unit is responsive to the needs of the community towards sustainable socio-economic development. Its mission is to undertake extension programs and activities that promote the development of community-based business enterprises and cooperatives and enhance the entrepreneurs’ managerial competencies through consultancy services along financial, production, marketing, and human resource management and other allied areas. Likewise, it endeavors to strengthen attitudinal transformation towards greater productivity. In this manner, the clientele can achieve economic viability and competitive advantage.
University of Northern Philippines
3rd Floor- Admin Building, Tamag, Vigan, Ilocos Sur - (077) 644-2261
- op@unp.edu.ph
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- registrar@unp.edu.ph
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- admissionservices@unp.edu.ph
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- pioffice@unp.edu.ph
- University of Northern Philippines
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- guidance@unp.edu.ph
- University of Northern Philippines