course offerings

DOCTOR in Business Administration

DOCTOR in Business Administration

A CHED Recognized Program, Level III Re-Accredited Status by the AACCUP. Blended Education System for foreign students who hold high positions in the corporate ladder is being adopted for the DBA Program per Board Resolution No. 19, Series of 2012).
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MASTER in Business Administration

MASTER IN Business Administration

The MBA is a two-year post-graduate degree course in business administration for corporate executives and managers and businessmen /entrepreneurs, executives of government and non-government offices, professors, and researchers in business and allied fields who hold degrees primarily in business and accounting education or related baccalaureate degrees.
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bs accountancy


The Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) is a four-year degree program that prepares graduates to become professional accountants in the areas of public accountancy, commerce and industry, government and education.
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BS in Business Administration Major in Financial Management

BS IN Business Administration- fINANCIAL mANAGEMENT

The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) major in Financial Management is a four-year degree program that prepares the graduates for careers in various departments of financial and non-financial institutions.
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BS in Business Administration major in human resouce development management

BS IN Business Administration-human resource development management

The BSBA major in Human Resource Development Management is a four-year degree program that prepares graduates for acareer in the Human Resources Development in both private and government organizations.
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bs in cooperative management

BS IN Cooperative Management

The BSCM is a four-year degree program that prepares graduates to become globally competitive, competent, community oriented, innovative and value-laden organizers, advocates, educators and managers of cooperative enterprises, implementers of government programs and as community development workers.
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BS in entrepreneurship


The Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship is a four-year degree program that prepares the graduates to become entrepreneurs or pursue careers in the areas of business planning and development, marketing and other allied fields.
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Associate in office management


The AOM is a non-degree program that prepares graduates for a career in the administrative and office management in both private and government organizations.
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