CSW holds online seminar on social work research and statistics
NEWS CSW holds online seminar on social work research and statistics Emphasizing the importance of research and statistics on the field of social work, the
The University Extension Office of the University of Northern Philippines aims to produce globally competitive and morally upright professionals in business and allied fields. It provides the foundation of learning about established and accepted theories, principles, practices and strategies of business management, presents the ethical perspective of what business might and ought not to do according to the set of legal and moral standards in the context of national development and globalization, and promotes the holistic development of business students by providing avenues for professional and personal development. This is in line with the vision of the University of Northern Philippines as a global university anchored on excellence and with its mission to produce globally competitive and proactive professionals through excellent instruction, research, extension, and production.
NEWS CSW holds online seminar on social work research and statistics Emphasizing the importance of research and statistics on the field of social work, the
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