The Commission on Higher Education-Regional Office I (CHED-RO1) awarded the University of Northern Philippines as a Delivering Higher Education Institution (DHEI) for the Scholarships for Staff and Instructors’ Knowledge Advancement Program (SIKAP) Grant for the following programs: MAGC, DBA, MBA, DPA, MPA, (Local Government , Governmental Administration, Police Administration), EDD, MAEd, (Educational Management), MAT (English, Filipino, Physical Education), MATLE (Home Economics, Industrial Arts), MAT (Chemistry, Physics), and MAME.

The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing was held on 14 September 2022. It was attended by representatives from CHED-RO1, Dr. Danilo B. Bose, Director, and Kristine Marie Casugay, Grants Coordination Officer; university officials, Dr. Erwin F. Cadorna, President, Dr. Rolando B. Navarro, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Fatima F. Rocamora, Vice President for Research and Extension; Dr. Mario P. Obrero, Faculty Union President; Deans, Assistant Deans and regular faculty members of the College of Teacher Education, College of Arts and Sciences (MAGC Program), College of Public Administration, and College of Business Administration and Accountancy.

Dr. Bose encouraged faculty members in the university to apply for the SIKAP Grant and reminded everyone that in order to compete with the best universities and colleges in the world, there is a need to improve qualifications.

Dr. Cadorna, during his pledge of commitment reiterated that it is an honor for the university to be a DHEI in this part of the country. He also made mention that being a DHEI is an added challenge on the part of the university to level up the accreditation status.

Source: UNP – PIO


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