BSCM, CMSO highlight Cooperativism Building Seminar
NEWS BSCM, CMSO highlight Cooperativism Building Seminar To equip students with necessary skills related to collaboration, leadership, and community building,
CTE's Project Tarabay ends with demo teaching
The UNP College of Teacher Education visited the Suyo Local Government Unit as part of its Project Tarabay: Providing Scaffold to the Fortress of Tomorrow on December 7, 2023.
The said visit, which marks the culmination of Project Tarabay, involved sample demonstration teaching of the Child Development Workers (CDWs) or Day Care Center teachers. This is to determine how well they have applied the knowledge and skills they have learned from the training.
Anchored on Sustainable Development Goal 4, Quality Education, Project TARABAY was conceptualized. SDG 4 aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. The project was a result of the needs assessment survey conducted among CDWs of the Local Government Unit of Suyo, Ilocos Sur.
The MOA with the LGU was forged in December 2022 and the Training on Understanding Preschool Curriculum commenced in March 2023. Seminar-workshops were provided to the CDWs to further capacitate them with knowledge and skills needed to deliver inclusive and quality early learning experience to the pupils toward their holistic development.
Likewise, parents were also given seminars as regards parenting and on understanding development of their children. This aimed at empowering them understand and perform their role as parents and become proactive partners of CDWs for their children’s development.
Faculty members of the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Bachelor of Special Needs Education programs were the workforce of the said project.
#SDG4 #QualityEducation
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