Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program

About Us
The UNP delivers outcomes-based education in addition to its programs of competence to identify the information, abilities, and attitudes pertinent to a given discipline. As a result, successful candidates receive equivalent credits as well as the proper accreditation and degree.

ADMISSIoN Requirements to the expanded tertiary education equivalency and accreditation program (eteeap) as per cmo no. 29,s. 2021
qualifications of an applicant
1. A Filipino citizen, and at least twenty-three (23) years old as supported by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) authenticated birth certificate.
2. Completion of the secondary school program as evidenced by a high school diploma, or the PEPT/ALS A & E result stating “qualified to enter first-year college”,
a. The admission of individual applicants in relation to K-12 implementation, shall be based on the following CHED Memorandum Orders (CMO No. 10, s. 2017; CMO No. 105, a. 2017; CMO No. 10, a. 2018; Memo from the Chair entitled: Accommodation of Lifelong Learners in College for SY 2017-2018 and SY 2018-2019.
3. The applicant should have an aggregate of at least five (5) years in the industry related to the academic degree program or discipline where equivalency is sought;
4. Must provide proof of competence and an in-depth understanding of the discipline for which equivalence and certification are sought. The applicant must submit pieces of evidence issued by the government regulatory board or by the employer(s).
5. The applicant must present a certification showing the achieved certain level of competence in the discipline for which s/he aspires to a degree.
1. Duly accomplished ETEEAP application form (downloadable online)
2. Transfer Credentials/Honorable Dismissal from the last school attended (Original copy)
3. PSA Authenticated birth certificate (Original Copy)
4. Marriage Certificate, if applicable (Original Copy)
5. 4 pcs. Passport size ID Pictures (most recent and original with white background)
6. Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae
7. Service Record and Certificate of employment with job descriptions from present and past employment (Original copy)
8. NBI/Barangay Clearance (Original copy)
9. Recommendation letter from the Immediate Supervisor
10. Proficiency certificate in the discipline or field (Original copy)
11. Business Registration, if any (Authenticated copy)
12. Certificate of Training/Workshops/Seminars (Authenticated copy)
a. Each certificate should have an individual narrative report
13. Photocopy of a valid passport and other (2) government-issued IDs. (Authenticated copy)
14. Personal essay detailing career goals and reasons for enrolling in ETEEAP.
15. Other documents or pieces of evidence of capability and knowledge in the field applied for equivalency and accreditation (Awards, citations, research, and inventions). (Authenticated copy)
16. Additional documents or requirements may be requested depending on the specific program upon application. (Authenticated copy)
1. The applicant submits a completed ETEEAP application form along with a letter of intent and the required documents/portfolio to the Office of the University President. All submissions must be in hard copy.
2. The Panel of Assessors and Panel of Reviewers assess the portfolio of the applicant and conduct interviews, preliminary screening, and evaluation.
3. If qualified, the candidate’s application is forwarded to the department concerned. For those who are not qualified are advised accordingly.
4. The candidate pays fees and other miscellaneous expenses at the Cashier’s Office.
course offerings
BS in Business Administration major in human resouce development management & financial management
BS IN Business Administration-human resource development management
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Our Students

1. A Filipino citizen, and at least twenty-three (23) years old as supported by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) authenticated birth certificate.
2. Completion of the secondary school program as evidenced by a high school diploma, or the PEPT/ALS A & E result stating “qualified to enter first-year college”,
a. The admission of individual applicants in relation to K-12 implementation, shall be based on the following CHED Memorandum Orders (CMO No. 10, s. 2017; CMO No. 105, a. 2017; CMO No. 10, a. 2018; Memo from the Chair entitled: Accommodation of Lifelong Learners in College for SY 2017-2018 and SY 2018-2019.
3. The applicant should have an aggregate of at least five (5) years in the industry related to the academic degree program or discipline where equivalency is sought;
4. Must provide proof of competence and an in-depth understanding of the discipline for which equivalence and certification are sought. The applicant must submit pieces of evidence issued by the government regulatory board or by the employer(s).
5. The applicant must present a certification showing the achieved certain level of competence in the discipline for which s/he aspires to a degree.
2. Original school credentials, whichever is applicable a. High School Card b. Form 137A c. PEPT Certificate d. Transcript of Records
3. NSO Authenticated birth certificate
4. 2 pcs. 1×1 ID Pictures (most recent and original with white background)
5. Curriculum Vitae
6. Service Record/Certificate of employment with job descriptions from present and past employment
7. NBI/Barangay Clearance
8. Recommendation letter from the Immediate Supervisor
9. Proficiency certificate in the discipline or field
10. Business Registration, if any
11. Certificate of Training/Workshops
12. Other documents or pieces of evidence of capability and knowledge in the field applied for equivalency and accreditation (Awards, citations, research, and inventions).
2. The ETEEAP Coordinator and Panel of Assessors assess the portfolio of the applicant and conduct interviews and preliminary screening, and evaluation.
3. If qualified, the candidate’s application is forwarded to the department concerned. For those who are not qualified are advised accordingly.
4. The candidate pays fees and other miscellaneous expensed at the Cashier’s Office.
News and Announcements
Our Graduates

VP for Administration and Finance, ISPSC
Franco O. Que, CPA (MBA ’13)
City Government Department Head I (Internal Auditor)
University of Northern Philippines
3rd Floor- Admin Building, Tamag, Vigan, Ilocos Sur - (077) 644-2261
- op@unp.edu.ph
Registrar's Office
- registrar@unp.edu.ph
- UNP Registrar's Office
Admission Services
- admissionservices@unp.edu.ph
- UNP Admission Services
University Information Office
- uio@unp.edu.ph
- University of Northern Philippines
Guidance and Counseling Services
- guidance@unp.edu.ph
- University of Northern Philippines