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UNP hosts consultation meeting for Research Agenda 2023-2028
In a collaborative effort to shape the future of research initiatives, the University of Northern Philippines hosted the external stakeholders’ consultation meeting for the University Research and Development Agenda 2023–2028 held on March 22 at Tadena Hall.
The consultation meeting was attended by external stakeholders from various fields and agencies to discuss and establish a comprehensive research agenda that will drive innovation and progress.
Dr. Fatima F. Rocamora, Vice President for Research and Extension, highlighted in her opening remarks that the stakeholders are the University’s partners in development.
“As an academic institution and producer of knowledge, the University of Northern Philippines is duty-bound and challenged to play a significant role in making the lives of each stakeholder richer and fuller through instruction, research, and extension,” Dr. Rocamora said.
Mr. Albert Tejero, VP for Finance and Administration, highlighted in his message the importance of each stakeholder’s participation and input in establishing a research agenda towards a common goal of advancing knowledge and addressing societal challenges.
An open forum was actively participated by the external stakeholders, which underscored the importance of collaboration and interdisciplinary approaches. The participants engaged in meaningful discussion about the different perspectives on education, social science, health and nutrition, science and technology, agriculture, and other key areas of focus.
The outcomes of the consultation will serve as a roadmap for guiding future research endeavors and fostering a culture of innovation and excellence in the research community.
Article by Sandy Joy Gasatan. Photo by Joel Tipon.
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