Meet the Summas: On Pedagogy and Pageants


[Second in a series: This Commencement 2024, UNP awarded three graduates with the distinct honor of Summa Cum Laude. In this series, we feature their incredible journeys of juggling their academic pursuits and personal lives.]

I am Karen Nicole, an educator, science enthusiast and a “pagentera.”

During my primary and secondary years, I was not able to maximize my full potential, for I stayed in my comfort zones. I was so afraid of new things and out-of-the box experiences for I was so fixated in the things that I could, neglecting the fact that I could have done more.

I was just the typical school-church-home girl who just wanted to watch Kdrama and read Wattpad books. But then, everything changed when I entered college. I strongly believe that my college journey brought the best version of myself, for I tried to use my pen and passion at once. Through that, I was able to make my college life my prime.

I told myself that I should also have a life aside from the pile of books on my desk. With that, I joined Miss Tricentennial Cabugao and won. I also joined the SEAMEO program which made it my ultimate dream of crossing learning borders at the age of 21. With the program, I was able to have a glimpse of Singapore and Laos and explored the culture of Thailand. I observed and benchmarked some educational practices of the Thai and adopted some of their best learning routines. Their learning set-up added fuel to my passion’s fire—that we can still give and do a lot to increase inclusivity and improve the quality of our education system.

Aside from those, I also indulged myself with music. Music became my way of escaping exhaustion and depression. During Saturdays, I go to our church to practice for our Sunday services. Through this, I was able to attain a healthy spiritual being which helped me to become closer to God. With that, I attest that my wins are God’s way of blessing my life. So, I continued serving Him amidst busy schedules. I offered all my worries to Him, and He gave me the desires of my heart.

Though life was happy most of the time, there were also a lot of obstacles that I have to pass through. I struggled with the pressure that I carry on my shoulders, my social responsibilities, and I battled myself for such a long time. To rise from these things, I tried to create a healthy environment for myself which helped me to maintain the balance between academics and my personal life.

I joined family events, and I also travel from time-to-time. I go to coffee shops, talk with my friends, and share some funny encounters. Moreover, I open up my problems with my loved ones to lessen my burdens. I made it through because I have such an amazing support system.

I will never forget the doors of opportunities that the BSEd Science program of the College of Teacher Education gave me. I was given the chance to represent our College for the Mr. and Ms. UNP and bagged the Miss Articulate Award, which was a core memory of mine. Our College trusted my abilities, believed in me, and supported me. My heart will always be grateful for everything, my dear College. I will always carry the honor of becoming your Summa Cum Laude. This is the fruit of my hard work along with all the people who supported me in all aspect. To all educators and mentors who shaped me, agyamanak, my dear teachers.

To the University of Northern Philippines, I am always proud to say that I am a UNPian. Thank you for giving me a chance to grow personally and professionally. Moreover, thank you for infusing us with values that we will always apply in our daily endeavors. As learning and academe are my end and beginning, UNP will always be a root of mine. As I continuously grow and foster, I will always be guided by your light. To my siblings by heart within the University, a bright future awaits us. Let us be steadfast and hold those dreams high, for we will always be packed with greens, blues, and golds.


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