As a forerunner in the mainstreaming of gender and development, the University of Northern Philippines has shown again its commitment to promoting equality and inclusivity for all through its participation in the National Women’s Month this March. The month-long advocacy started with a zumba right after the Flag-Raising Ceremony on March 6, 2023.
Dr. Victoria R. Arce, director of the Center for Gender and Development, introduced the month-long affair which will be celebrated through several programs and activities across the academic units of the University.
In addition, according to Arce, the University will also participate in the region-wide celebration of the Women’s Month to be spearheaded by the Commission on Higher Education Regional Office I (CHED-ROI).
In addition, with the label Purple Wednesdays, all University personnel and students are also encouraged to wear violet or purple shirts or dresses during Wednesdays.
The Student Council has also prepared activities including Trivia Mondays (March 6, 13, 20, 27), the International Women’s Day through an empowerment walk and the distribution of feminine hygiene kits (March 8), academic contests (March 17), and extension activities (March 24, 25).
The Council will end the celebration on March 31 with a seminar on women empowerment and the awarding of winners in the different contests.
According to the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), the 2023 celebration “marks a juncture in the advancement of women’s rights as it launches a new recurring theme from this year to 2028: WE for gender equality and inclusive society.”