UNP holds Seminar on Global Issues in Journalism

The University successfully hosted a seminar on “Global Issues in Journalism” on February 5, 2025, at the Tadena Hall. The event, organized by the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), through the BA in Communication program, aimed to promote conversations on global issues and provide strategies and techniques in journalism, specifically in news writing.

The seminar targeted BA Communication students and NewsCAS Editorial Board writers. The program was filled with insightful presentations and discussions. Dr. Agus Priadi, a faculty of Communication and Language in Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika in Indonesia tackled the core topic of “Global Issues in Journalism”. He focused on key aspects of news article construction, emphasis, and vocabulary. His discussion highlighted the importance of tone, language, and effective editing techniques in journalistic writing. Dr. Priadi’s insights provided valuable guidance to the audience on crafting impactful and globally relevant news pieces.

The seminar aligns with the University’s goals to develop ethical leaders through academic excellence, ensure quality education, intensify research, and provide relevant services to the community. It also contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as Quality Education, Reduced Inequalities, Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, and Partnerships for the Goals.

Article by Irene Abigail Guerrrero, Photos by Noelle Tacas and Mark Gian Pagayatan.

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