BLEPT topnotchers share board exam tips
NEWS BLEPT topnotchers share board exam tips The UNP College
QMO enhances accreditation quality through seminar
Envisioned on delivering quality education and providing best services to students and stakeholders, the Quality Management Office (QMO) conducted a three-day seminar related to program accreditation processes with the title, “Pathways to Excellence: Upskilling for Levels I, II, and IV Program Accreditation” on February 26-28, at the UNP Tadena Hall.
The seminar aimed on enhancing the knowledge and improving the skills of the participants which includes various faculties and non-teaching personnel of the university, on understanding accreditation standards, preparing necessary documentation, and improving program quality to meet and exceed Levels I, II, and IV requirements.
On the first day, the seminar was attended by representatives of programs seeking for Level IV Phase 2 accreditation, while the second and third day focused on programs that will be accredited for Levels I, II, and IV Phase I.
Present on the said programs were Dr, Erwin Cadorna, the University President, Dr. Rolando Navarro, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Necy Cesaria Romo, Quality Assurance Head, who all gave key messages on the the seminar.
Further, after the program rationale presentation by Mrs. Regina Tobia, lectures and messages were also given by Dr. Corazon Pardo, Dr. Alma Segismundo, Dr. Luzviminda Relon, Dr. Leilani Basa, Dr. Marlou Savella, Dr. Marjorie Darun, Dr. Sally Jarin, Dr. Marites Duquinal, Dr. Erwin Tolbe, Dr. Eva Marie Avila, Dr. Ashley Paulino Martinez, and Engr. Joselito Totaan.
The area of discussion revolved on Research, International Linkages and Consortia, Community Service, Teaching and Learning/Performance of Graduates, Well Developed Planning Process, Lay-outing of Documents, VMGO, Faculty, Curriculum and Instruction, Library, Research, Laboratories, Support to Student, Physical Plant and Facilities, Extension and Community Involvement, and Administration.
This initiative will equip the participants the enough skills and knowledge that they can use on achieving and sustaining quality accreditation, thus ensuring a long-term success and program excellence.
Article by Marphie Viernes, Photos by Noelle Tacas.
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