The University of Northern Philippines, represented by its President Dr. Erwin Cadorna and 1st Regional Defense Group, Army Reserve Command, represented by its Group Commander Col Leopoldo Babante signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and a Memorandum of Partnership (MOPA) in UNP on February 18, 2025.

The University being an institution of higher learning mandated by RA 9163, otherwise known as National Service Training Act of 2001, to offer Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), partnered with the 1st Regional Defense Group, Army Reserve Command for the provision and implementation of ROTC program that shall emphasize citizenship training and shall instil patriotism, moral virtues, respect for the rights of the civilians, and adherence to the Constitution of the Philippines. Both parties in the agreement shall exercise joint supervision over the implementation of the NSTP-ROTC program.

The MOA was signed by Dr. Cadorna and Col. Babante, witnessed by Dr. Carlo Ventura, NSTP Director, and Maj Edzel Gambot, NSTP-ROTC Commandant, to be approved by Hon. Gilberto Teodoro Jr., Secretary of National Defense, through the recommendation of LtGen Roy Galido, Commanding General of the Philippine Army, and Gen Romeo Brauner, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

The MOPA was signed by Dr. Cadorna and Col. Babante, witnessed by Dr. Ventura and Maj Gambot, for the approval of MGen Ramon Zagala.

Also present during the signing were LtCol Renato Magluyan, 101 CDC Director, Ilocos Norte; Dr. Rolando Navarro, VP for Academic Affairs; Hon. Nestor Pajaro, Asst. Commandant; Atty. Philip Chan, University Legal Officer; Mr. Ramon, Opena, ROTC Coordinator; some AFP  and PA officers, and ROTC cadets.

Article by Johnny Allagadan, Jr., Photo by Joel Tipon.     

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