CPAD students secure top spot in Regional GAD Quiz Bee
NEWS CPAD students secure top spot in Regional GAD Quiz Bee Representing the University of Northern Philippines, Jerick Robiñol and
Indigenous youth: catalysts for self-determination change agents.
Indigenous Peoples’ rights violations have been a recurring issue worldwide, sometimes because of the
historical load of their colonial histories and other times due to the contrast with a civilization that is
Let’s remember on August 9th, every year, that Indigenous Peoples are entitled to make their own
decisions and implement them in a way that is meaningful and culturally suitable for them to address
this issue.
Indigenous youth are acting as change agents in the face of some of the most urgent challenges
confronting humankind today, within the framework of the demand for self-determination. Indigenous
youth, for example, are utilizing new technology and learning new skills to provide answers and support
a more sustainable, peaceful future for our people and the earth.
However, today’s choices will also affect them in the future. For the successful execution of their rights
as indigenous peoples, it is imperative that they are represented in and involved in local and national
initiatives towards peacebuilding, digital collaboration, and climate change mitigation.
On the occasion of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples 2023, we reiterate the critical role that
young Indigenous people must play in decision-making, while also honoring their committed work to
combat climate change, seek justice for their people, and build intergenerational relationships that
preserve their culture, customs, and history.
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