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NEWS BLEPT topnotchers share board exam tips The UNP College
Honoring the MTLE passers of Batch Salukag and their inspiring journeys
August 29, 2024 marked a momentous occasion for the freshly registered medical technologists. The event, which took place with much awe and excitement, commemorated the hard work and perseverance of the Batch Salukag who passed the August Medical Technologists Licensure Examination.
The UNP chapel was filled with utmost solemnity as the early morning of the testimonial was kickstarted by a Thanksgiving Mass. The newly registered medical technologists were at peace during the celebration as their toils were finally rewarded. With the Lord’s blessing, the festivities continued.
Following the mass, the celebration spilled into the more significant part of the Metro Vigan area. The Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) students paved the way as they took the streets to proclaim the arrival of the new RMTs.
The parade served as a collaborative tribute to the passers. Trucks adorned with the signature purple and gold MLS colors with words lining “RMT” were shown. This added a boldness to the event and proclaimed the momentous occasion.
The testimonial ceremony was the highlight of the day. With his opening remarks, the MLS program head, Mr. Ace Daniel Avero, kickstarted the event. They were followed up by the guests’ presentation, including the University President, Dr. Erwin Cadorna. Notably, the event featured the giving of sashes along with certificates which served to recognize the achievements of the passers.
Later, the passers were allowed to step on stage and talk about how they passed the exams. Many spoke in tears as they recalled the countless nights of restlessness and the moments of anguish as the MTLE’s came close. As the testimonials ended, many heartfelt thanks were heard and Batch Salukag were given their last hurrahs.
This batch of board passers helped solidify the outlook of the UNP BSMLS program as they yielded a high 87% passing rate. As the celebration concluded, the journey of the fresh passers was only beginning. They’ll leave the university halls to proudly step into their new roles as licensed medical workers who help shape future diagnoses.
The August MTLE passers are not just test-takers; they serve as benchmarks of excellence for the University and their juniors. They represent unwavering commitment, resilience, mastery, and tenacity—qualities which future RMTs should possess.
Article by Ace Daniel Avero.
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