BLEPT topnotchers share board exam tips
NEWS BLEPT topnotchers share board exam tips The UNP College
Disaster preparedness stressed to graduating students
The College of Nursing, headed by Dean Francis Don Nero, organized a seminar on disaster preparedness at the University Auditorium on May 23, 2024
The College also invited Mr. Rhon A. Arquelada, the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Officer (PDRRMO), to share his knowledge on earthquake preparedness and mitigation.
A lecturer from Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Indonesia was also invited to impart his insights on tsunami preparedness and mitigation via Zoom meeting.
Successful disaster mitigation measures were highlighted, emphasizing the vital role that disaster preparedness education plays. The event highlighted the importance of sharing to the graduating students the information and abilities they need to navigate and lessen the effects of disasters.
The program covered earthquake and tsunami disaster preparedness, with a focus on proactive measures such the creation of resilient infrastructure, community drills, and early warning systems.
Students learned about the many facets of disaster management and how they may contribute to building resilience through engaging conversations and case studies from real-world situations.
In developing their skills for disaster preparedness, they ensure their personal safety and help their communities become more resilient by learning about local risks, creating evacuation plans, putting emergency kits together, and helping in disaster relief.
The speakers stressed that by making disaster preparation education a top priority, the future nurses contribute to building a society that is more secure and resilient while simultaneously investing in the safety and well-being of future generations.
Article by Elaine Ferrer.
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